Saturday, May 22, 2010

L&CV: Roasted Garlic

Here is a nice easy one that you can use in loads of other recipes and its a ton cheaper to make than buy.

Equipment: sharp knife and cutting board, and aluminum foil (please recycle!)

Food: Whole Garlic, olive oil.

Turn the garlic up on its side, without removing the "paper" layer from the outside, cut it in half along the width.

Now you need to take a sheet of foil and divide it into four sections.  (Just tear it, it doesn't need to be neat.)  You will now make a little "bowl" of foil.  Simply set the garlic half in the foil and cup it in your hand, pinch up the sides to mold it around the sides.

Drizzle olive oil over the exposed top of the garlic and place in the oven.  

This is part of the "menu" for the day so just pop these in with the Shiitake bacon and baked potatoes for the same temp as soon as you finish them up.  They will be done when the tops are browned up (or as soon as the bacon is done).  About 45 minutes at 250 degrees but they can be cooked faster and hotter if needed.  


These are ready to serve as a topper for potatoes or can be popped out of the "paper" outer layer of the garlic head and stored in an airtight container in the fridge to be used as an ingredient in all sorts of recipes.  

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